I made this card last week and decided this would be my last poinsettia card for this Christmas season. It was watercolored with pencils and markers, I just love this digital stamp......you can get your very own from FCD by Pamela. Go over and take a look at all the stamp sets on sale, you will be totally amazed...it is NOT too late to tell your husband about all the goodies. They won't be shipped until after Pamela's return but that's shouldn't pose a problem, right!!! Remember the digitals download with NO waiting.
I do hope you all have enjoyed the gift preparations and the specialness of this time of year. I have had the opportunity through the economic downturn to be reminded what Christmas is all about. I haven't had the stress, the rush, the chaos, the worry that I have experienced in years past. I have taken the time to read Matthew and Luke's retelling of the birth of our Messiah. The comfort and warmness of the gift of love from our Father has warmed my heart and given me a chance to truly enjoy celebrating the birth of Jesus.This gift of love and the sacrifices/gifts we make for our loved ones is, to me, a part of the meaning of the Christmas story!
Merry Christmas to each of you with Blessings for the coming year. Thank you for stopping by and for sharing your thoughts and comments this past year, I look forward to hearing more from you in 2010!!
Christmas Blessings to you all!!

Heart warming Merry Christmas. Your message was lovely and will take us all back to the real meaning of Christmas. Be back soon. I don't have any thing posted for today, yet.
Wow, you are ROCKIN' those poinsettias! Beautiful! Merry Christmas!
lovely Donna! Glad you have enjoyed the holiday's true meaning and not gotten caught in all the stress and hustle and bustle :)
This is gorgeous- your coloring is fantastic. I hope you had a Merry and Blessed Christmas!
I'm happy you have had a joyful and peacful Christmas, Donna! And It's pure joy looking at this fab card - it's so pretty! LOVE what you did to the poinsietta, the coloring is amazing! Best wishes for you and your family in the coming year!
wowza~ I LOVE what you did with the poinsettias!! the pin is a nice touch!
I love this digi! So pretty!
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